Saturday, 30 October 2021

Recovering in different ways

stats of the week: run 14 km, cycled 98 km, hill walked 42 km
stats of the previous week: run 6 km, cycled 39 km, hill walked 35 km
stats of the week before: indoor cycled 1 h, hill walked 8 km

Recovering from London meant a lazy week at home first, then a week of easy hill walking on the island of Sardinia, followed by a sportive week in France.

I still suffer from a mild heel spur that keeps me from intensifying my running. Luckily I am able to do short jogs up to 10 km without bigger problems.

Some impressions of Sardinia:

Walking Mt Ventoux was a very different experience after 10 times up there via bike:

Thursday, 7 October 2021

A happy day - Number 22 in the box

 London Marathon 2021 result: 4:31:34, 133rd M65 of  333, 19,600th overall of 35,867

As you see in the photo, my 22nd London Marathon was a very happy day. The world seemed to be back to normal. More than 35,000 runners on the route, the crowds were nearly as big as ever and the people's behaviour let me forget the Brexit. Londoners are as polite and helpful as they have been in better times.

My race plan - alternating 5 km running by 500 m walking - worked until km 32. Then I had to extend the walking parts and to shorten the running parts. It was a strange feeling to walk already after 5 km when everybody raced by. But it payed. In spite of my limited preparation I was able to keep my pace far into the race and was very happy to finish after roughly 4.5 hours. This experience makes me hope that I will be able to keep on running for some more years.

Saturday, 2 October 2021

From Ventoux to the Mall

stats of the week so far: cycled 133 km
stats of the previous week: run 42 km, cycled 205 km

Finally I managed to do a long jog of 23 km - having walking rests in between every 5 km. I still hope this enables me to get to the finish line on the Mall in London. My plan is to walk 500m every 5 km from the beginning on.

On the way I celebrated a jubilee at Mont Ventoux: my 10th ascent on the bike, 5 from Sault, 3 from Bedouin and 2 from Malaucène.