Sunday, 2 September 2007

Busy Week

training stats
week's total: run 67K, gym 1 session

Su 02/09: slow run, 16K, 1:36 hrs
Sa 01/09: short onion relay race, 600 meters
Fr 31/08: fast run, 17K, 1:23 hrs
Th 30/08: rest
We 29/08: gym 2 hrs
Tu 28/08: long run, 24K, 2:15 hrs
Mo 27/08: easy jog, 10K, 1:06 hrs

This week saw my second highest mileage this year! It didn't plan this amount of training as I don't have an ordinary training plan these days. My target is to get fit for a decent marathon in New York City and to put in 3 or 4 long runs until then to build up my performance.

On Tuesday a long run with J and U came across and then on Friday I developed a spontaneous speedy run to compensate for my bad mood and frustrating thoughts.

You are invited to see my commented (in German) little photo gallery of the local onion relay race. By the way my team finished last but our ladies won their weight group!

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