Monday 11 February 2008

Cautiously increased mileage

training stats
week's total: run 39K, bike 102K, gym 1 session
Su 10/02: hilly jog, 17K, 1:41 hrs
Sa 09/02: bike, 59K, 2:30 hrs
Fr 08/02: bike, 43K, 1:51 hrs
Th 07/02: jog, 11K, 1:11 hrs
We 06/02: gym 2 hrs
Tu 05/02: run, 12K, 1:06 hrs

Received my 3rd Hyalaronan injection and the doc advised to wait a fortnight to decide if any more ones will be useful. The knee still feels sort of weak but as long as I am able to increase my mileage there is no reason to complain.

Most effects of climate change are seriously worrying but I have to admit that sunny and warm days in February are not really unwelcome. Biking in sunshine is so much more fun than indoors.
I enjoyed two bike trips in fabulous weather.

I will join a training camp of our local triathlon club next month on Mallorca. So long I thought it is just biking what we will do but now I learned that it will be a combination of biking and running! I will have to take care not to come back more exhausted than I leave.

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