sa 22/03: run, 13K, 1:20 hrs
fr 21/03: run, 18K, 1:34 hrs
we 19/03: run, 12K, 1:08 hrs, easy bike 50K, 3:00 hrs
tu 18/03: run, 8K, 0:45 hrs
Based on my last week's half marathon time of 1:38 I could forecast my London Marathon to be finished at 3:30 hrs. Alas! I haven't done any long run so far! I planned an absolute minimum of 2 runs of 30K which is only possible for legs with a long lasting running history.
First of these 2 long runs was planned for this weekend. The only problem was: I was staying on holiday on a stormy Dutch North sea coast, facing showers of rain, snow and hail. And I have to admit I am not the tough guy to go out and stand this kind of weather for about three hours.
If I still manage to do the scheduled long workouts a realistic target will be a marathon time of 3:45-3:55 hrs I reckon. Apart from the missing long run I am still on track of my very low key schedule:
Holland is one of the most densely populated countries of the world. Maybe this one reason to keep the towns like fairyland's places.
Some images of Leiden near Amsterdam:
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