Sunday, 27 March 2016

Cold cycling and not easy running

stats of the week: run 63km, cycled 240km

The week's mileage impresses even myself as it ended up much higher than scheduled. One reason is that weather on Lanzarote is too cold and windy to do really long cycling days. So we prefered to limit it to half day routes and completed the day by easy jogging.

However, running was slow but not really easy on trails that are sandy and hilly here around Munique which is a village amidth the island surrounded by "El Jable", the local desert. I was happy to complete one 20km run and now feel to be prepared for next Sunday's half marathon at Berlin.

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Building up

stats of the week: run 49km, gym 3h
5 weeks to go to London

It's a reasonable mileage and longest run of 18km makes a step forward although I felt rather tired along the final mile. Counting the week by 7 days from Sunday to Saturday it added up to 62 km! If I will finish London without knee pain I will send a thank-you-letter to the doc.

First target now is to finish Berlin Half - it takes place in two weeks - without any pain and hopefully sub 1:55 hours.

10 days of mixed training on Lanzarote from Monday on. I look forward to finding a sensible balance between cycling and running. And local wine.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

6 weeks to stay in time

stats of the week: run 42km, gym 4h
6 weeks to go to London

It's been a reasonable mileage this week but longest run was still only 14km. However, I am within plans as schedule is not to do more than 3 runs of more than 20km. Still time to get ready for a really slow marathon on April 24th.

If I ever do another marathon in Japan I would do the Kyoto Marathon which regularly is hold one week before the Tokyo Marathon. Kyoto is a town full of tourist attractions and offers still lots of traditional Japanese atmosphere:

Monday, 7 March 2016

7 weeks to go. Seven weeks?

stats of the week: run 12km, gym 2 h
stats of the previous week: run 32km, gym 2 h

Still not enough mileage to get ready for a half marathon in 4 weeks and a full marathon in 7 weeks! My longest run so far was 12km. Luckily cut off time in London is 8 hours.

Adding to the shown mileage I did around 60km of town walking in Tokyo. That was a big burden to the recovering knee. However, I still hope to increase my mileage modestly in time.

Tokyo Marathon is a special experience with a route not really spectacular but thousands of excited volunteers.

Japan is a country full of wonders. This is the Golden Pavillon at Kyoto.

Mount Fuji reigns from its snowy top. Unfortunately it can only be ascended in Summer.