Thursday, 4 May 2017

London News

stats of the week: cycled 136 km, gym 3 h

My disappointing performance at the London Marathon provided one advantage. Due to the long stretches of walking my recovery seems to be faster than usual. But will it be fast enough to get fit on the bike for Nove Colli in 2 weeks?

There are some news around the London Marathon while the ballot is still open until tomorrow 7pm.

Adidas is finished as main sponsor and New Balance steps in for 2018 and onwards.

The World Marathon Majors have announced that the series will be extended by 3 more races in a few years. Obviously one of the new members will be in China as Wanda is the new main WMM sponsor. Cape town is another favourite and the third one will probably be in Asia.

And the London Marathon has launched a new London City Half Marathon called The Big Half. 5,800 public entries are already sold out. You can still get in via charity and via the 4 London Boroughs where the race will take place. The Big Half

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