Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Unhappy new year's eve

stats of the week: run 20km, gym 6h

Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2014!
Many thanks for still visiting this blog. It's a pleasure to know you're out there and enjoy running.

My most active year now has to end by a little disappointment. The joyful christmas race strained my inner thigh muscle what I ignored first and worsened it by doing an interval session on the treadmill. Result is that I have to cancel the New Year's Eve run. That is sort of a letdown since the 15K-race on the last day of the year is the one event I took part in more often than in any other race: 21 times so far.

However, I know I shouldn't worry and better stay happy and look forward to oncoming events. Most important is to get fit again for the Cape Peninsula Marathon on Februar 16th.

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