Monday, 23 January 2017

By the way another target

stats of the week: run 45 km, indoor cycling 1,5 h, gym 1 h

After the first week of exercise I cannot yet evaluate if the indoor high altitude training has any impact. However, I feel comfortable, heart rate is significantly low and oxygen saturation is just perfect. The main task is to stay healthy until the journey to Tanzania starts.

By the way I accidentally discovered that this year I could be able to qualify for Boston. The 2018's marathon day is just after my 65th birthday so qualifying times for M65 count for me. That is 4:10 h and it counts already in 2017 when I am 64. It should be possible to beat the time in London. Okay, another target!

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Preparing for next challenge

stats of the week: run 15 km, cycled 118 km

Back to wintry Germany we have now not only to get used to minus degrees but also to get prepared for climbing Kilimanjaro. Luckily there is a high altitude gym room in our town available where we hope to get ready for our next challenge.

Four weeks to go to the climb and 5 weeks to get to the start line of the Kilimanjaro marathon. I am already excited.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Promising moves into new year

stats of the week: run 61 km, cycled 73 km
stats of the previous week: run 27 km, cycled 78 km

On New Year's Eve we took part in the Runner's Memorial Race at Green Point, Cape Town. It's not only a farewell to the gone year but also to all the runners who passed away during the year. Their names are announced before the start.

Also announced were two runners from Witten, Germany, although still alive. By the way, two years ago German female runner "Mocki" won the race in front of all men!

Not yet acclimatised we had to be careful and got around the 8 km distance safely. My time: 40 minutes. 

Today, one week later, things got more serious. The bay to bay run from Camps Bay to Hout Bay and back is a very popular race with nearly 4,000 participants. C set a tremendous PB on the 15 K distance and I ran a proper 30 K race on this hilly hilly course finishing strong after 2:52 h. What a wonderful start into 2017!