Friday, 27 October 2017

High rates in female runners and bared male bodies

stats of the week: run 50 km

At least a longish run of 22 km is done - my longest since the London Marathon in April. Four long days with a big amount of walking made my Washington weekend where I guided a group of runners around the Marines Corps Marathon. A big event with more than 20,000 marathoners and additional 7,000 10K-runners. Impressively the female rate was nearly 50 per cent in the marathon and around 70 per cent in the 10K!

Choosing to run this marathon you should not be shy with military. Start is in front of Arlington Cemetry with military planes flying above, fallen heroes are celebrated on a special "blue mile". However, there cannot be any other marathon with more men running with naked upper body. It seems to be part of being hero.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Never miss your chance

stats of the week: run 23 km, cycled 94 km, gym 2 h

A cautious start to running again with time going by quickly. 3 weeks to go to NYC marathon.

My plans now are to walk for a minute every 5 K to get through the 26 miles in shape as far as possible. I am sure my time will not be worthy a jubilee marathon. But you never know if it is your last chance to run this special marathon. So I will have to take my chance.

Photo: Our local charity run was again a big success as we welcomed more than 2000 runners. Donations help heavily deseased children at the local hospital.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

At least cycling

stats of the week: cycled 321 km
stats of the week before: run 26 km, cycled 67 km, gym 3 h

No running at all for a fortnight due to increased muscle pain after the bathroom accident. How can I get to the finish of the New York City Marathon now?

At least cycling was possible and therefore made the only business during the Majorca holiday. Surprisingly I was able to set a new PB for the Galilea ascent of 4.5 km and 380 altitude meters. With 19:44 min I managed sub 20 for the first time. In 2017 so far I completed more than 6,000 cycling kilometers and 85,000 altitude meters. This is a record within the recent 6 years.

Today I started jogging again. 4.5 km. Let's see how far I will get until Nov 5.

Photos: on the famous Sa Calobra route on Majorca