Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Confirming old rule

stats of the week: run 27 km, zwift cycled 46 km, gym 2 h
stats of the previous week: run 27 km, zwift cycled 103 km, gym 2 h

An old rule has been confirmed once again. Double your 5 K time and add 2 minutes to get your possible 10 K time. This time I doubted this would be realistic having in mind that I did very few runs up to 10 K in training, only 3 during the recent 7 weeks.

But it worked. Following 24:30 for 5 K two weeks ago I was now able to finish after 51:14 at 10 K. Unfortunately the heel spur problem restrains me to increase my mileage otherwise I could probably attack the 50 min border.

With the Covid situation getting worse and worse some organisers now cancel their races once again. Winter seems to become depressing again with very few events to enjoy.

photo: 10 K start at the Blumensaatlauf alongside Baldeneysee

Monday, 8 November 2021

Surprising pace

stats of the week: run 17 km, indoor cycled 110 km, gym 2 h
stats of the previous week: run 27 km, indoor cycled 26 km

Although Covid is worse than ever in our country, life is almost back to normal and a number of running events are on offer again for vaccinated runners. 

I was happy to pace C to a 29:04 finish at our local 5K race on Halloween evening where she won her age group. Next Saturday I raced on my own account and was surprised that I was able to keep a pace that I have not trained for. I finished the flat 5K in 24:30 min what lets me hope for more in the near future. However, my heel spur problem still keeps me from intensifying the schedule while some intervals would be needed to build up more speed. C again won her age group while I was only placed 5th.

This weekend was New York Marathon weekend! Within 16 years this was only the second time I could not be there to run myself or watch and guide German runners. Now I wonder if I will ever come again and this is somewhat a sad feeling. Otherwise I should happily look back to what I could experience and be thankful.

This is Irina 2019: