Friday, 18 January 2008

Forced rest

training stats
Th 16/01:
indoor cycle, 1.5 hrs
We 15/01: gym, 1.5 hrs
Tu 14/01: flat run, 9K, 0:51 hrs
Mo 13/01: indoor cycle, 1 hr

Some medical news: I received my first Hylaronan injection. No effect so far - improvements will show up after third one if at all. By chance I googled informations about a new cartilage therapy which is called Orthokin. Your blood is taken to produce a serum which then is injected into your knee. Before I do the next step - surgery - I think it could be worth to try this conservative therapy. Info
German English

Today I am the victim of my principle saying one workout every day. Gym followed by indoor cycling turned out to be too much (we had this before...) and resulted in a strained tendon. At least 3 rest days I suppose.

I am off for a holiday week on Gran Canaria and I leave my laptop behind me! I am sorry, no posting before Feb 01.
Happy running!

Ups! I nearly forgot to post my London training schedule. Obviously that's because I am still ignoring it.

Sunday, 13 January 2008

Non-scheduled running

week's total: run 29K, indoor cycling 2 hrs, gym 2 sessions
Su 13/01: hilly run, 11K, 1:00 hrs
Sa 12/01: gym 2 hrs
Fr 11/01: flat run, 10K, 0:57 hrs

I have not yet set up my training schedule for London. I still hesitate to do it because it would be too frustrating to visualize how difficult it is to build up any fitness while injured. Confronted with a proper plan I will have to realize that I can't do sufficient workouts.

I promise to publish my schedule until next Saturday. I am sorry that my personal plan will be very special and not suitable to be copied for anyone else. Perhaps you are interested to have a look at the 4:25-schedule I just created for a friend who wants to run the Hamburg marathon in April:

4:25 marathon schedule (xls-file)

Thursday, 10 January 2008

Ecuador report

training stats
Th 10/01:
gym 1 hr, indoor cycle 1 hr
Tu 08/01: flat run, 8K, 0:45 hrs
Mo 07/01: indoor cycle 1 hr

Will see the doc not ealier than next Tuesday and hopefully receive my first injection. The knee seems to wait for it.

Those of you speaking German might like to see my photo report of the recent Ecuador climbing holiday. English version still to come.

Sunday, 6 January 2008

New year - old knees

training stats
week's total: run 35K, cycle 1 hr, gym 2 sessions
Su 06/01: hilly run, 11K, 1:01 hrs
Sa 05/01: gym, 2 hrs
Fr 04/01: flat run, 9K, 0:46 hrs
Th 03/01: indoor cycle, 1 hr
We 02/01: gym, 2 hrs
Mo 31/12: flat race, 15K, 1:07 hrs

The 15K race was fine, I achieved the time I could expect and the sick kneecap played along. However, more than once I imagined that this could easily have been my very last New Year's Eve race.

All the problems didn't prevent me from entering the 2008 London, Stockholm and NYC marathons. Thinking about creating a training plan building up to April 13 - the London Marathon - I had to discover that time is rather short. I will contact the doc asap to receive Hyaluronan injections. Meanwhile I limit my running to distances of max 10K and a weekly mileage of max 30K, hopefully increasing to 40-50K in February.

If everything goes according to plans I will do my first long run at mid of March which is definately too late to get really fit for London. So my modest target will be to finish with a time of less than 4 hours.